Sometime after that birth the need for sex arises again. Is there anything special to consider? We clarify the most important questions for you!
After birth the parents' lives change completely. The daily routine is changed, priorities are set differently and the nights are rarely slept through. This also means a big change for the relationship. This chaos of emotions makes it difficult to think about sex in the first few weeks.
But at some point this thought comes back to the forefront of your mind and with it some questions:
Sex after birth, the most important questions:
When can we have sex again?
- Most gynecologists recommend waiting four to six weeks before having sex after pregnancy. Because the separation of the placenta essentially creates a wound in the uterus. This has to heal first because the risk of infection is very high during the healing period.
- If couples absolutely can't keep their hands off each other, sex after the birth should definitely be done with a condom. Pain in the new mother is also not uncommon. It is very important that you wait to have sex after the birth until both of you really feel like it, because it can be strange, especially for the woman, the first time
What has changed in the body?
During a natural birth, the baby is pushed through the woman's vagina. This continues shortly after birth. However, the vagina is a muscular tube and therefore contracts again. This means that sex after birth is not particularly different than before. In addition, a rehabilitation course should be attended to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles again. Often the biggest problems are in the woman's head. The body no longer looks like it used to. 'Does he still find me attractive now?' Feel free to talk to your partner about your concerns. He can certainly take some of them away from you and you will be much more relaxed afterwards.
Pregnant or period?
Do I have to use contraception?
There are many rumors about breastfeeding while breastfeeding or up to a year after breastfeeding birth cannot get pregnant. That's not true! You can become pregnant again immediately after giving birth. Therefore, attention should be paid to contraception. Either the condom or the mini-pill, which works without estrogen, is ideal for this. Because estrogen can inhibit milk production.
The first sex after birth
Having sex for the first time after giving birth can be strange at first. But it is also something like a new beginning. So take it slow. You certainly haven't forgotten what it was like before, but something has changed. So explore again. Get involved in new things and, above all, don't rush into it. You have all the time in the world. Maybe you first explore your body carefully with your hands and then maybe go a little further next time.
Don't stress yourself out. You will have fun again and you will certainly enjoy it very much.